Agile Podcasts
Howdy. Today, I come to you with another list. This time, it’s a list of good podcasts about agile that I listen to. As a consultant, I live out of a hotel at least 4 days a week. This gives me lots of time to listen to podcasts. Usually it’s when I’m getting ready for work in the morning, but it can also be at night – there’s only so many reruns of Shark Tank that I can watch, and there aren’t any good sports on in the summertime.
Without further ado, here’s my list of Agile Podcasts that get me through my week.
Agile for Humans
Agile for Humans is my friend Ryan Ripley’s podcast about the Individuals and Interactions over just about anything else. Yes, he’s opinionated. No, he doesn’t care. Yes, he’s smart. But he also has a bunch of other smart folks on as normal and abnormal co-hosts, from Tim Ottinger and Woody Zuill to Amitai Schleier and Zach Bonaker. Discussions have ranged from Human Refactoring (with Bryan Beecham) to #NoEstimates. It’s 45 minutes to an hour of a few folks sitting around microphones and spouting some good agile wisdom.
The Meta-Cast is Bob Galen and Josh Anderson discussing their own set of Agile topics. It’s usually 45 minutes or less, and you can tell that these two guys are great friends with each other. There’s humor, good-natured ribbing, and a boatload of great content. Most of the early topics (which are 7 years old at this point) center around Scrum, but Josh has come up with his own “Agile Donut” that’s been discussed a few times, as well as numerous episodes on SAFe.
Scrum Master Toolbox
Scrum Master Toolbox is the brain-child of Vasco Duarte. It’s only ten to fifteen minutes a day. Each week follows a similar format, but with a different Scrum Master guest from around the world.
- Monday: Fail Monday
- Tuesday: Team Tuesday
- Wednesday: Leading Change
- Thursday: Success Thursday
- Friday: System Conditions
It’s really interesting to hear from different points of view, from different parts of the world, and learn from everyone and from everywhere. Yet, at the same time, through listening to list podcast, I have had to confirm on multiple occasions that the guest for the week didn’t actually have a job at the company I was consulting with at the time.
Agile in 3 Minutes
Agile in 3 Minutes is Amitai Schleier’s “simplest podcast that could possibly work.” This is exactly what it sounds like: 3 minutes or less on a single Agile topic.
Agile Amped
Agile Amped is SolutionsIQ’s podcast where in Howard Sublett and others go to conferences and interview interesting people they find at those conferences. Of course, with SolutionsIQ having recently been purchased by Accenture, I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen with this podcast. However, the archives are still interesting.
That’s all, folks
So…What say you, dear reader? Which Agile podcasts do you listen that I should add to my list? Tell me how sadly deficient my list is. Please, leave a comment!